South East European Network for Professionalization of Media (SEENPM) presents three new learning resources for media and information literacy (MIL) educators and all those interested in improving their MIL knowledge and skills.
Traners’ Manual for Media and Information Literacy and Handbook for Journalists Teaching Media Literacy are publications produced within Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media, an EU funded regional project implemented by five members of SEENPM in the Western Balkans

Trainers’ Manual was primarily created with a view to helping educators and other professionals from the Western Balkans prepare their first MIL training courses.The manual presents a basic curriculum for conducting a two-day training, organized to cover five areas: visual literacy, media and diversity, information verification, online Safety, how media function.
It offers ideas that can be used in schools, in various classes, with activities suggested for each thematic area and plenty of tips that curious coaches can use to dive deeper into the topic they consider most important.
Download the manual in English!
Manual in the languages of the region:
- Albanian (Albanian Media Institute)
- Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian (Mediacentar Sarajevo)
- Macedonian (Macedonian Institute for Media)
- Serbian (Novi Sad School of Journalism)

Handbook for Journalists Teaching Media Literacy is aimed at journalists passing on knowledge and experience about and from their profession to schoolchildren within media and information literacy context.
The focus is on teaching and learning methods that actively involve students with ideas for hands-on activities with the students that can be easily adapted for children both in primary and secondary schools.
The publication provides a general idea about ways that children learn, along with practical tips on how to begin with the teaching process, how to introduce new content, and how to enable students to put acquired skills and knowledge into practice.
Download the handbook in English!
Handbook in the languages of the region:
- Albanian (Albanian Media Institute)
- Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian (Mediacentar Sarajevo)
- Macedonian (Macedonian Institute for Media)
- Montenegrin (Montenegrin Media Institute)
- Serbian (Novi Sad School of Journalism)

Tutorial ‘Building resilient communities through media literacy’ is meant to serve both educators and students interested in MIL. It comes out of different Transitions and SEENPM training initiatives, most notably the project on debunking misinformation, supported by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED).
The tutorial moves away from the narrowed focus on fake news towards a better understanding of the problem in the broader context of the “information disorder” and dives into media literacy projects and resources as an antidote to this problem, while also examining traps of media literacy that every media educator should try to avoid.
The author is Jaroslav Valuch, an experienced practitioner in the field of media literacy and manager of media literacy and disinformation initiatives at Transitions, a Prague-based media development organization.
Visit our repository of MIL learning resources at, specialized website of SEENPM focusing on media and information literacy.

Regional program “Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media: Strengthening the Capacity of NGOs for the Development of Media and Information Literacy in the Western Balkans” is implemented with the support of the European Union by partner organizations Mediacentar Sarajevo, Albanian Media Institute,Macedonian Institute for Media, Montenegrin Media Institute, Novi Sad School of Journalism, Peace Institute, SEENPM.