News Impact Summit 2017 in Paris

The News Impact Summit, an initiative developed by the European Journalism Centre and powered by the Google News Lab will be coming to Paris on Monday 6 February 2017. Sciences Po Journalism School will be the main local partner and co-organiser of the Paris edition next year. This will be a day for journalists, editors, technologists and J-school students to come together to share ideas and get inspired by the talks and debates with leading international and national media experts.

The Summit is a series of free-of-charge journalism events in Europe, focusing on various aspects of innovation in digital journalism. Since 2014, the series has visited many major European cities including. London, Berlin, Amsterdam, Madrid, Stockholm and Warsaw. Want to know more about the summit series? Have a look at this post.

The programme and speakers of the 2017 Paris edition will be made available at There will be simultaneous translation from English to French and vice versa.