Transitions and SEENPM invite you to an online workshop “Infodemic lessons: how to shield yourself and your community from the infodemic with media literacy” to be held on 29 June 2021 (Tuesday) from 14.30 to 16.30 CET.
A fundamental aspect of creating societal resilience against mis- and disinformation is to look at the past challenges and lessons learned and use those lessons to build better strategies to protect communities against future infodemics.
Building onto the experiences shared by experts and participants from previous events, one of the most repeated topics discussed was education and media/science/digital literacy.
In this event, we would like to continue the conversation on media literacy and how it is a cornerstone of any counter-disinformation strategy.
Therefore, we invite you to join us online for a workshop that will address the need for better media literacy practices with a special focus on the role of journalists.
We would like to bring together again journalists, educators, and scientists, share lessons learned with top experts in the field, and discuss opportunities for how we all can work together towards better resilience of our communities to disinformation.
Topic: Countering COVID infodemic through media education toolbox “Disinformation Disinfection”
Michaela Ďurková (Czech Republic), Project Manager at One World in Schools Program of People in Need
Topic: Practical solutions to build trust in quality journalism as an antidote to disinformation
Gentianë Paçarizi (Kosovo), Media and Information Literacy consultant who initiated the first Media and Information Literacy (MIL) magazine in Kosovo while serving as teaching assistant at the University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Department of Journalism
Topic: Teachers´ and school responses to COVID Infodemic – experiences from the classroom
Milan Petrović (Serbia), teacher and media literacy practitioner
Topic: Engaging older adults and seniors in factchecking and debunking – experiences from a pilot project
Jaroslav Valůch (Czech Republic), news literacy and factchecking program manager at Transitions
Michaela Ďurková graduated in Political Science and has been OWIS Media Literacy project coordinator since 2018. She coordinates training and seminars for teachers, communicates with schools, teachers, and lecturers, and participates in the recruitment of new lecturer-teachers. She is also responsible for the creation of methodological materials (e.g. manual Disinformation Disinfection or interactive PDF activities MQposilovna).
Gentianë Paçarizi is a media and information literacy (MIL) consultant based in Kosovo. She has a MA & BA degree in Journalism from the University of Prishtina ‘Hasan Prishtina’. In 2020, as a teaching assistant in the Department of Journalism at UP, she founded the first MIL magazine in Kosovo ‘INTRO’. In 2018, she coordinated the first MIL national consultations in Kosovo within the UNESCO-EU-funded project ‘Building trust in media in SEE and Turkey’ where later she assisted in coordinating this project in the region as part of the UNESCO MIL team. As part of the fact-checking platform,, she is one of the grant awardees of Media Innovation Lab 2020 organized by Balkans Media, for creating the news literacy app ‘Checkos’.
Milan Petrović is an educator and expert in innovations in education. He is the president and program director of NGO “Teach me” which focuses on non-formal education programs in Serbia. He is a certified trainer in MIL and DMIL subjects from IREX and DWA and he has been teaching media literacy as an elective subject during the COVID19 crisis in Serbian high schools.
Jaroslav Valůch is a project manager at Transitions, a Prague-based media development organization, where he runs the organization’s media literacy and disinformation initiatives, including, which provides support to Czech journalists and students in the field of verification and fact-checking, as well as a program focused on senior citizens. He is an experienced practitioner in the field of media literacy, social media activism, hate violence, hate speech, and communication with crisis-affected populations.