OSCE Media Freedom Representative Discusses Next Steps of Media Reform with Hungarian Minister

journalists' safety
Dunja Mijatovic (OSCE)

Vienna, 26 January 2012 – Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, today met Zoltan Kovacs, Hungarian Minister of State for Government Communication in Vienna, to discuss media reforms in Hungary.

During the visit initiated by Kovacs, Mijatovic took note of the information provided by the Minister on the Government’s intentions to amend before the Constitutional Court-imposed deadline of 31 May 2012, those legal provisions against which the Court ruled last December.

Mijatovic offered assistance of her Office in the task and said: “The provisions highlighted by the Constitutional Court decision correspond to several concerns raised by my Office throughout the last one-and-a-half years.”

“However, other elements of the media legislation pointed out by my Office which were not tackled by the Constitutional Court still remain problematic. The reframing of the media legislation provides a unique opportunity to accommodate these shortcomings as well,” stressed Mijatovic.

Kovacs and Mijatovic agreed on regular exchanges during the drafting process. Mijatovic offered to conduct a legal analysis and prepare OSCE recommendations on individual provisions or as a package, so that Hungarian lawmakers could take these recommendations into account while reforming the laws.

“I call upon Hungary to reform the media legislation in line with OSCE commitments on media pluralism. The upcoming reform of the media laws would enable Hungary to honor its international obligations and OSCE commitments, and legislate at a level of international best practice,” Mijatovic emphasized.

Source: OSCE