OSCE Media Freedom Representative Urges Montenegrin Authorities to Investigate Attacks against Media

journalists' safety
Dunja Mijatovic (OSCE)

Vienna, 29 August 20110 – Dunja Mijatovic, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, today expressed concern at a new arson attack against a vehicle owned by the Podgorica-based Vijesti newspaper.

“This third attack against Vijesti in recent weeks is alarming. It exerts a ‘chilling effect’ on all journalists in Montenegro who help uncover facts that powerful individuals try to hide,” said Mijatovic.

A Vijesti car was set on fire early Saturday morning, destroying the fourth vehicle belonging to the newspaper since the attack on 14 July. A second attack was reported on 23 July.

“In order to preserve media freedom in Montenegro, all the attacks against Vijesti should be urgently and thoroughly investigated and the results of those investigations made public,” said Mijatovic.

Source: OSCE