Petition: Support the call for an internationally recognized Global Media and Information Literacy Week

Global Alliance for Partnerships on Media and Information Literacy (GAPMIL) initiated the petition to Support call for an internationally recognized Global Media and Information Literacy Week.

GAPMIL believes that it is time for the proclamation of an internationally recognized Global Media and Information Literacy (MIL) Week on the UN calendar.

MIL is a “living and responsive practice”– a critical use and understanding of the information and media content that underpin such issues as intercultural dialogue, democratic rights, global citizenship, gender equality and empowerment, inclusive and sustainable development, and a practice that lies at the core of freedom of expression and freedom of information.

gapmil_height110pixGAPMIL therefore calls on UNESCO and its Member States to adopt a resolution to officially recognize Global MIL Week. This is an opportunity to promote the fundamental principles of MIL in formal, informal, and non-formal education, to assess the state of MIL education and initiatives, and to celebrate those individuals and organizations who have provided leadership and inspiration in the field.

Read more about this initiative and sign the petition here