Washington, 27 June 2011 – „While Croatia and Serbia continued to make gradual progress in 2010 on reforms associated with EU candidacy, five other countries in the region – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro – suffered declines in their overall democracy scores.” – emphasizes Nations in Transit 2011, the latest edition of Freedom House’s annual assesment of democratic development in Central and Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. The study adds, that „Such backsliding, which stemmed from a variety of stubborn obstacles to reform in these countries, is a reminder that the EU and the United States do not have the luxury of disengagement from this subregion. A total of six new EU states improved in this year’s assessment. More generally, the democracies in Central Europe and the Baltics have shown considerable durability in weathering a difficult economic downturn.”
Source and downloads: freedomhouse.org