The European Journalism Centre announced today the launch of “Press Released”, a new platform and commentary series established in partnership with non-profit editorial service Project Syndicate to stimulate debate around the global challenges confronting media and journalists. The series, available to Project Syndicate’s 500+ member media outlets for publication, showcases material produced by some of the organization’s most prolific contributors specialized in the media field. The series will also feature commentary by economic, political and cultural thought leaders to illustrate media’s impacts across all spheres of society.
The latest addition to Project Syndicate’s “PS Focus” series, “Press Released” addresses the growing threats to independent media and journalist safety across the globe. From ‘fake news’ and digital security to self-censorship and outdated business models, “Press Released” seeks to immerse and engage readers in the latest issues raging around the media and the consequences for civil society and good governance.
““Press Released” is much needed and perfectly timed” says European Journalism Centre director Adam Thomas. “Truth, transparency and accountability have never been in higher demand. “Press Released” shines a light on the challenges journalists face, but also gives strategies on how to counteract them.”
The first contribution to the series is Francis Fukuyama’s The Emergence of a Post-Fact World.
European Journalism Centre is currently matching donations made by anyone interested in supporting “Press Released” and its mission. Please visit the Launch Page for more information.
About the partners
The European Journalism Centre is an international non-profit that connects journalists with new ideas. Through grants, events, training and media development the European Journalism Centre has been building a sustainable, ethical and innovative future for journalism since 1992.
Project Syndicate produces and delivers original, high-quality commentaries to a global audience. Featuring exclusive contributions by prominent political leaders, policymakers, scholars, business leaders, and civic activists from around the world, Project Syndicate provides news media and their readers cutting-edge analysis and insight.