Register now: N-Ost Conference “Face it! Journalism beyond denial and ideology” in Warsaw (20-23 Sept)

A global migration crisis revealing the paradoxes of our moral systems, a growing group of political leaders questioning European core beliefs, and a US-president turning the world upside down: Yesterday’s unthinkable seems to be today’s normal.

  • How do we, journalists, live up to the challenge of facing these changes and of perceiving and confronting them?
  • How do we – in the eye of the hurricane – find our role and provide the information basis that society needs to adapt or react?
  • How do journalists in societies as deeply polarized as Poland, for example, get through the noise to the real problems?
  • How do we understand and define our own role and positions on some of the most divisive questions currently discussed in Europe?

These and a range of other questions will be discussed at this year’s n-ost media conference “Face it! Journalism beyond denial and ideology” in Warsaw from 20-23 September.

This will be a weekend of intense formal and informal discussions between journalists, media professionals and activists from all over Europe.

The n-ost media conference 2018 provides a space to look at a wide range of the global challenges that journalism faces. The participants will discuss the shrinking space for dialogue, the problems of post-Socialist media ownership, and the means of overcoming it with a special focus on Poland and the Visegrad countries (two conference tracks are dedicated to them).

See the conference program 

Register here before August 12 ! 

The full attendance fee is 200€ (incl. hotel), with discounts for n-ost members (40€), freelancers (40€), and non-EU citizens (80€).

If you have any questions or suggestions regarding the conference and the programme, please contact Daria Sukharchuk.

Follow the conference updates: #nostmc18

About n-ost

Based in Berlin, n-ost as a media NGO strengthens foreign reporting by facilitating transnational research, by educating journalists and by bringing together media workers with differing perspectives. As an agency, it manages several media outlets. Over 250 journalists and media activists from all over Europe come together in n-ost network