The theme of this year’s SEEMF is “Media in South East Europe: Not enough or too much information?”. Discussions will cover the right to access information, data journalism, privacy and the protection of sources, self-regulation and standards of quality reporting. A session will also be dedicated to opinion making in times of conflict and will discuss the lessons of the media war in Ukraine.The event will bring together media CEOs, editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals, CEOs from companies active in South East and Central Europe, representatives of marketing and public relations agencies, civil society representatives, academics and representatives of state institutions from South, East and Central Europe.
SEENPM is present at the regional Media Forum
It’s a full house at the South East European Media Forum in Skopje, Macedonia.
The Forum is organized by The South East Europe Media Organization (SEEMO), the Media Program South East Europe of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the Central European Initiative (CEI) announce the VIII South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF). SEENPM and its member Macedonian Institute for Media cooperated to the organization of this VIIIth edition of the Forum (16-18 October, 2014).
More about the forum at: oliver.seemo/posts/ 10201803819817030