The DIG Awards 2020: Apply by 5 April 2020

The DIG Awards reward journalistic excellence and encourage the work of reporters who
investigate topics that have social, economic, technological, environmental and political

The call is open to video and audio productions from television networks, print and online
publications, platforms, radios, collectives, agencies, consortia, associations, institutions
and freelancers. One specific category (DIG Pitch) is open to works that have not yet been

The DIG Awards 2020 competition is open to projects that have been released or published
after January 1st, 2019.

Participants from every country can apply.


The winners of the DIG Pitch section will be awarded a maximum of €15,000 as a
development contribution to their project. The awards will be assigned by an international Jury and announced during the 2020 edition of DIG Festival.


Applications to the Investigative Long, Investigative Medium, Reportage Long, Reportage
Medium, Short and Audio categories will be accepted until 12:00 noon (Central European
Time) on April 5th, 2020. Applications to the DIG Pitch category will be accepted until 12:00
noon (CET) on April 25th, 2020.

The 2020 detailed call for entries and the application form are available on the DIG Awards website.