March 6, 2008, Pristina. Remzi Lani, as President of the SEENPM Board and Sándor Orbán, Executive Director of the Network visited Pristina March 2-5, 2008 with the main goal of inviting the Kosovo Media Institute (KMI) to join SEENPM and to explore ways of potential co-operation between KMI and the Network. They used the opportunity to meet with the representatives of the international donor community and local media organizations, such as the OSCE Media Unit, USAID, the European Agency for Reconstruction, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, the Press Council of Kosovo, and the Independent Media Commission.
At the meeting with KMI Managing Director Klemend Hapciu and Agron Bajrami, Editor-in-Chief of Koha Ditore and Chair of the KMI Board, Lani and Orbán invited the Kosovo Media Institute to join the Network. KMI will submit a request to the SEENPM Board and be able to become a Network member at the next SEENPM General Assembly meeting.