BIRN’s Balkan Transitional Justice Programme is organising a two-day training session for 20 journalists from the region on 22 and 23 September in Sarajevo.
Training aims to improve journalists’ reporting skills in the field of transitional justice.
As well as focusing on the specifics of reporting on issues related to transitional justice, the training session includes attendance at a regional conference on war crimes as well as a visit to the State Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The training is primarily intended for journalists interested in the topic of transitional justice in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia.
Applicants should submit a CV, a letter of motivation, and an example of a published article which should be sent
As the training is being conducted in English, a solid knowledge of the language is essential.
The deadline for applications is August 10, 2016.
The transport costs and accommodation on full board basis costs will be paid for by the organisers of the training session.
The programme is supported by the European Commission, the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland and the Robert Bosch Foundation.
To request more information, go to the training page.