TruthBuzz: The Viral Fact-Checking Contest

Fake news orbits the planet in an instant on social media. Is the truth keeping pace?

The global TruthBuzz challenge wants to make sure it does. It aims to invent new ways to help verified facts reach the widest possible audience.

Creative solutions are wanted for taking fact-checking beyond long-form explanations and bullet points. The contest looking for ideas — — from everyone, not just journalists — that turn fact-checking into engaging, visual and interactive stories that are instantly understandable and shareable.

Entries in any digital format in all languages are welcome.

The first-place winner will receive a cash prize of US$10,000. After the contest closes, all of the entries will be showcased on a public site where the global truth-telling community can learn from and use these fact-check storytelling strategies.

Deadline for submissions: 30 June 2017.

More information about what the TruthBuzz challenge is looking for and the application form are available on the TruthBuzz page