The Turkish government issued on Saturday 29 October a decree shutting down 15 Kurdish media outlets: 11 newspapers, two news agencies and three magazines. The latest closures bring the number of media outlets shut down under state of emergency in Turkey to 168.
The Turkish government declared a state of emergency on 20 July, following the failed coup attempt on 15 July. This situation allows the government to close any media organization by issuing a cabinet decree.
Here is the list of media outlets targeted by the decree issued on Saturday:
- Newspapers: Özgür Gündem, Azadiya Welat, Batman Çağdaş , Cizre Postası , Güney Express, İdil Haber, Kızıltepe’nin Sesi, Prestij Haber, Urfanatik and Yüksekova Haber;
- News agencies: Dicle News Agency (DİHA) and Jin News Agency;
- Magazines: Tiroji, Özgürlük Dünyası and arts and culture magazine Evrensel Kültür.
Most of them are based in Southeastern Turkey (except the three magazines and DIHA, headquarted in Istanbul).
“It seems clear that Turkish authorities are imposing a complete blackout on the region. Many Kurdish cities, including Diyarbakir, don’t have internet access. Most of the Kurdish media outlets bringing news from the region are now closed. Kurds are facing the major censorship seen to date,” said the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) General Secretary, Ricardo Gutiérrez.
The EFJ welcomes the recent European Parliament resolution condemning media crackdown in Turkey.
“Following the Members of the European Parliament, the EFJ is expecting a clear and strong reaction from the Council, the Commission, the Vice‑President of the Commission, Frans Timmermans, the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Ms. Federica Mogherini, and from the EU member states governments. The President of the Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, and Ms. Mogherini, must enter into direct talks with Ankara about the rule of law situation in Turkey. If talks with Ankara are not leading to better situation, it’s their responsability to consider legal sanctions against those responsible for media freedom and human rights violations in Turkey”, added Gutiérrez.
List of media outlets shut down under state of emergency decrees (updated by our partners of P24 Platform for independent journalism):
- TV Stations: Barış TV, Bugün TV, Can Erzincan TV, Dünya TV, Hira TV, Irmak TV, Kanal 124, Kanaltürk, MC TV, Mehtap TV, Merkür TV, Samanyolu Haber, Samanyolu TV, SRT TV, Tuna Shopping TV, Yumurcak TV, İMC TV, Hayat TV, Özgür Gün TV, Van TV, Van Genç TV, TV 10, Jiyan TV, Azadi TV, Zarok TV, Denge TV, Mezopotamya TV and Birlik Medya TV.
- News Agencies: Cihan Haber Ajansı, Muhabir Haber Ajansı, SEM Haber Ajansı, JIN, DİHA
- Newspapers: Adana Haber, Adana Medya, Akdeniz Türk, Şuhut’un Sesi, Kurtuluş, Lider, İscehisar, Durum, Türkeli, Antalya, Yerel Bakış, Nazar, Batman, Batman Postası, Batman Doğuş, Bingöl Olay, İrade, İskenderun Olay, Ekonomi, Ege’de Son Söz, Demokrat Gebze, Kocaeli Manşet, Bizim Kocaeli, Haber Kütahya, Gediz, Zafer, Hisar, Turgutlu Havadis, Milas Feza, Türkiye’de Yeni Yıldız, Hakikat, Urfa Haber Ajansı, Ajans 11, Yeni Emek, Banaz Postası, Son Nokta, Merkür Haber, Millet, Bugün, Meydan, Özgür Düşünce, Taraf, Yarına Bakış, Yeni Hayat, Zaman, Today’s Zaman, Özgür Gündem, Azadiya Welat, Batman Çağdaş, CizrePostası, Güney Express,İdil Haber,Kızıltepe’nin Sesi, Prestij Haber Gazetesi, Urfanatik Gazetesi, Yüksekova Haber.
- Magazines: Akademik Araştırmalar, Aksiyon, Asya Pasifik, Bisiklet Çocuk, Diyalog, Avrasya, Ekolife, Ekoloji, Fountain, Gonca, Gül Yaprağı, Nokta, Sızıntı, Yağmur, Yeni Ümit, Zirve, Evrensel Kültür Dergisi, Özgürlük Dünyası,Tiroj.
- Radio stations: Aksaray Mavi, Aktüel, Berfin, Burç, Cihan, Dünya, Esra, Haber Radyo Ege, Herkül, Jest, Kanaltürk, Radyo 59, Radyo Aile Rehberi, Radyo Bamteli, Radyo Cihan, Radyo Fıkıh, Radyo Küre, Radyo Mehtap, Radyo Nur, Radyo Şemşik, Samanyolu Haber, Umut, Yağmur, Rengin Radyo, Özgür Radyo, Ses Radyo, Radyo Karacadağ, Özgür Güneş, Yön Radyo, Patnos FM and Dünya Radyo.
- Publishing houses: Altınburç, Burak Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Define, Dolunay Eğitim Yayın Dağıtım, Giresun Basın Yayın Dağıtım, Gonca, Gülyurdu, GYV, Işık Akademi, Işık Özel Eğitim, İklim Basın Yayın Pazarlama, Kaydırak, Kaynak, Kervan Basın Yayıncılık, Kuşak, Muştu, Nil, Rehber, Sürat Basım Yayın Reklamcılık Eğitim Araçları, Sütun, Şahdamar, Ufuk Basın Yayın Haber Ajans Pazarlama, Ufuk, Waşanxaneya Nil, Yay Basın Dağıtım, Yeni Akademi, Yitik Hazine, Zambak Basın Yayın Eğitim Turizm.
Picture credit: Platform P24.
The article was originally published by EFJ on 30/10/2016