WJEC is soliciting academic paper abstracts related to journalism education: by 15 Sept.

The 5th World Journalism Education Congress (WJEC) is currently soliciting academic paper abstracts related to the wider issue of journalism education, to be presented as refereed research papers at the forthcoming Paris conference.

Abstracts will be accepted on a variety of topics related to mass communication. However, submitters are encouraged to focus their entries on the broader conference theme: “Teaching Journalism During a Disruptive Age.”

The work should be specifically related to one of the following streams:

  • Technological mutations and the future of journalistic practices: what to keep, what to drop
  • Fact checking & verification in the era of fake news & post-truth
  • Sociology of journalism in a fast-evolving sector
  • Ethical challenges for teaching and undertaking new forms of journalism
  • “One journalism or many journalisms”? Connecting students with multiple conceptions and ways of working in journalism across the world
  • When the Fourth Estate (news media and journalists) collides with the Fifth Estate (citizens on social media)


WJEC invites interested presenters to electronically submit abstracts only (minimum 500 words; maximum 800 words) by September 15, 2018. Full papers are due on June 1, 2019 to be eligible for inclusion in the online conference proceedings.

For instructions on abstract writing and submission, and for relevant contacts, please refer to the WJEC website