Young Strategic Leaders Forum in Bucharest (Apply by 8 Sept. 2017)

The Aspen Institute Romania and the German Marshall Fund of the United States are proud to announce the launch of the Young Strategic Leaders Forum.

The Forum will take place alongside the Bucharest Forum (October 4-6, 2017).

At its sixth edition, the Bucharest Forum is the only event which addresses the needs of economic and strategic decision makers in the region between the Adriatic, the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, and the enhancement of its strategic and economic potential as a gateway between East and West.

The Young Strategic Leaders Forum aims to create a space of discussion and a work group for young professionals of the Aspen and GMF fellows and alumni community that are committed to generate innovative and up-to-date analysis, and to contribute with groundbreaking perspectives and strategies in areas like foreign affairs, international relations, global economics and international public policy.

The first meeting of the Young Strategic Leaders Forum will take place in Bucharest, Romania on October 4 – 6, 2017.

The Aspen Institute Romania (AIR) and the German Marshall Fund (GMF) will select participants who meet the following selection criteria:

  • are between 25 to 40 years old;
  • are members of the AIR or GMF fellows and alumni communities;
  • speak English proficiently;
  • are based in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia or Ukraine;
  • have proven professional excellency in foreign affairs, international relations, global economics, public policy or any relevant field that involves international cooperation;
  • have an interest in the affairs concerning the wider Black Sea region;
  • have an interest in advancing entrepreneurial policy ideas;
  • have an interest in producing written pieces on issues of foreign affairs, international relations, global economics and international public policy.

AIR and GMF fellows and alumni based in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Hungary, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia or Ukraine can apply for the YSLF scholarship, covering travel costs and 3 nights’ accommodation by sending a brief explanation why this scholarship is needed.

AIR and GMF fellows and alumni based in Romania are not eligible for the YSLF scholarship.

Interested candidates are invited to submit their application via e-mail until September 8, 2017 at

The application should consist of an up-to-date resume and a letter of intent explaining your motivation to participate.

Further information