Online Resource Centre on Media Freedom Launched

The ECPMF Online Resource Centre on Media Freedom, officially launched in December 2015, provides easy access to a wide array of ever-growing curated resources related to media freedom and pluralism in Europe.

 The Resource Centre aims to serve the broad community of journalists, media experts and policy makers, as well as the broad public.

 This online information tool is a project of Osservatorio Balcani Caucaso (OBC) and the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom (ECPMF), supported by the European Commission.

 The Resource Centre items range from region-wide and country-specific reports to legal tools and practical instruments such as trainings and manuals, as well as opportunities for media professionals and young journalists.

 Using the Resource Center is made easier with the advanced search tool that allows refining the search according to country specific criteria and thematic issues.

 Along with updating the Resource Centre regularly, its creators will also disseminate its content via social media campaigns and targeted releases, especially using the hashtags #ECPMF, #mediafreedom and #ResourceCentre.

 To maximise the visibility and usage of the various content presented in the Resource Centre, its creators are combining the curation effort with creating new Wikipedia items or edit existing ones so as to add relevant information and sources on topics related to media freedom and pluralism.

 To that end, a Wikipedian in Residence, hosted at OBC, is working in parallel with the curators of the Resource Centre producing open-access, freely reusable content in multiple languages, thus contributing to knowledge sharing. The Wikipedia-related effort (cooperation between OBC and Wikimedia Italia) can be monitored in the Wiki for Media Freedom section of the Resource Centre.

The project creators look forward to including inputs from various organizations in the Resource Center. They also welcome feedback to the project and invite organizations to spread the word about it.

Visit the Resource Centre on Media Freedom at