Tags Europe

Tag: Europe

Six journalists killed in Europe in 2021, 95 more in prison

The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) has published the lists of imprisoned and killed journalists in 2021. Since 1 January 2021, 45 journalists have been...

Online Resource Centre on Media Freedom Launched

The ECPMF Online Resource Centre on Media Freedom, officially launched in December 2015, provides easy access to a wide array of ever-growing curated resources related...

The FoX Grant – deadline 15 September

Freedom of expression, though guaranteed in all European constitutions, is under pressure in a lot of countries. The concentration of media ownership, the increasing...

Digital Agenda: High-level Group to Discuss Freedom and Pluralism of the Media Across the EU

Brussels, 11 October 2011 - A high-level group to provide recommendations for the respect, protection, support and promotion of media freedom and pluralism in...

Swedish parliament to host major PACE hearing on the state of media freedom in Europe

Strasbourg, 8 September 2011 – A major parliamentary hearing on the state of media freedom in Europe will take place on Monday 12 September...
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Call for Applicants: Funded participation in two learning and knowledge-sharing events for journalists and media workers

Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in...

European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy coming to Zagreb

The second edition of the Voices - European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will take place in Zagreb on 27 February...

Training Program for Journalists and Editors on Youth-Driven Community Journalism

The Youth Community Journalism Initiative (YoCoJoin) is launching its immersion training workshops on youth-driven community journalism. This 3-day program is created to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...