Tags Financial pressures

Tag: financial pressures

Jeopardising the effectiveness of journalism in South East Europe: the role of extra-legal policy mechanisms

A range of extra-legal policy mechanisms are used by those in power to prevent journalists from fulfilling their watchdog role in society. Examples from...

How to Neuter Critical Media in Eastern Europe: Buy Them an Ad

17 May 2016 ~ By Marius Dragomir The integrity and independence of journalism is in dire straits in eastern Europe. The preferential distribution of state...

The Kosovo media under pressure

by Violeta Hyseni Kelmendi | Pristina, 6 May 2016 Political interference and lack of adequate financial resources keep haunting independent journalism in Kosovo. Journalists and media outlets in...
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Call for Papers on Literary Journalism in East-Central Europe

Abstracts are invited for a proposed collection on Literary Journalism/Creative Non-Fiction in East-Central Europe. The volume takes as...

SoJo Europe in Search of 18 European Newsrooms

Become a member of the first cross-European cohort of newsrooms practising solutions journalism and receive grants for cross-border, solutions-oriented, and investigative reporting...

Progress is possible when someone points out your mistakes

Whether they communicate directly with the media or complain about problematic content via existing self-regulatory mechanisms, the role of citizens and the...

Balkan Watchers – Media Program for Documentary Films and Podcasts

Balkan Documentary Center is happy to present a new training and funding opportunity. The new initiative Balkan Watchers – Media Program for Documentary Films and Podcasts, aims...