Tags Internet censorship

Tag: internet censorship

Freedom of the Net 2017 Report: Manipulating Social Media to Undermine Democracy

Freedom House published the 2017 annual Freedom on the Net report. It features a ranked, country-by-country assessment of online freedom, a global overview of the latest...

Public Opinion Research: Benchmarking Demand – Turkey’s Contested Internet

The role of the Internet as a fundamental tool for communication and empowerment is one that should not be inhibited as the limitless nature of the...

Report: Turkey’s Internet Policy after the Coup Attempt – The Emergence of a Distributed Network of Online Suppression and Surveillance

Bilge Yesil, Efe Kerem Sozeri In the early 1990s, the internet in Turkey was in the purview of academic and research institutions and had not...

CoE publishes reports on internet censorship in 47 member countries

Strasbourg, 01.06.2016 – Following the publication today of a study on laws and practices of 47 member states on blocking, filtering and removal of...

OSCE RFoM concerned about state of Internet freedom in Turkey, calls for legal reform of Law 5651

VIENNA, 15 April 2016 – OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatović expressed concern today about the state of Internet freedom in Turkey,...

Moldova: Government-approved draft law might cause censorship on the Internet

A Government-approved draft Law, which did not consider Media NGOs’ proposals, might cause Censorship on the Internet in Moldova.  Article by Media Azi web site...
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Call for Applicants: Funded participation in two learning and knowledge-sharing events for journalists and media workers

Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in...

European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy coming to Zagreb

The second edition of the Voices - European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will take place in Zagreb on 27 February...

Training Program for Journalists and Editors on Youth-Driven Community Journalism

The Youth Community Journalism Initiative (YoCoJoin) is launching its immersion training workshops on youth-driven community journalism. This 3-day program is created to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...