Tags Journalism training

Tag: journalism training

BIRN Kosovo: Training course on legally safe and crisis reporting

BIRN Kosovo has opened a new call for applications for its first three-day training course on legally safe reporting and crisis reporting,...

Transitions: Three workshops on quality journalism in September and October

Transitions invites you to join three online workshops that will take place in September and October, 2022. Three workshops,...

BIRN Training Programme: From Personal Security to Surveillance Capitalism

BIRN invites journalists, Civil Society Organisation (CSO) representatives, legal professionals and IT experts with an interest in the issues where media and...

Regional Report: Media Literacy and Education Needs of Journalists and the Public in Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia

The research published by SEE Media Partnership for Media Development in March 2017 aims to provide an up-to-date environmental analysis of the journalism education and...

New courses at Learno.net – online learning platform for journalists

Bulletproof Data Journalism is a new course on online video learning platform for journalists Learno.net, to be launched on Monday 7 November. Visit the course page and...

Rights and Jobs in Journalism: Building Stronger Unions in Europe – New handbook launched

In the past years, the media industry has undergone drastic changes due to the emergence of new technologies in the way news are produced...

10th Generation of Moldovan School of Advanced Journalism Celebrated

At its 10th anniversary, the School of Advanced Journalism, a professional program of the Independent Journalism Center in Chisinau, organized a conference about the...

Free Voices: Bosnian students learn about freedom of expression

Free Voices: Promoting Freedom of Expression in Bosnia & Herzegovina is a new educational project that Mediacentar Sarajevo, a SEENPM member organization, is implementing in...

The Chisinau School of Advanced Journalism – cutting edge journalism training

The Chisinau School of Advanced Journalism, operated by the Independent Journalism Center, has recently announced the new admission campaign for the 2016/2017 academic year. For the...

EJC Launches Online Video Training Platform for Journalists: LEARNO.NET

18 February 2016 - Maastricht, the Netherlands - The European Journalism Centre (EJC) announced the launch of LEARNO.NET - a cutting-edge, online video training platform for...
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Call for Applicants: Funded participation in two learning and knowledge-sharing events for journalists and media workers

Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in...

European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy coming to Zagreb

The second edition of the Voices - European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will take place in Zagreb on 27 February...

Training Program for Journalists and Editors on Youth-Driven Community Journalism

The Youth Community Journalism Initiative (YoCoJoin) is launching its immersion training workshops on youth-driven community journalism. This 3-day program is created to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...