Tags Smear campaigns

Tag: smear campaigns

Serbia: Journalist Targeted by Smear Campaign after Interviewing President Vučić

The Council of Europe Platform to promote the protection of journalism and safety of journalists yesterday listed the case of journalist Miodrag Sovilj of TV N1...

Independent Serbian TV channel subjected to smear campaigns, intimidation

Reporters Without Borders (RSF) calls on the Serbian government to stop supporting and instead publicly condemn attempts to intimidate N1, Serbia’s only major independent...

Hungarian Investigative Outlet ‘Atlatszo’ Attacked By Pro-Government Media

Hungarian investigative outlet Atlatszo has been the target of pro-government media attacks since it recently revealed links between members of the Hungarian elite, including Orban, and a luxury...

Journalists harassed for their reports on Hungary’s anti-Soros campaign

Several journalists working in Hungary for foreign media outlets alerted the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ) about the harassment they have been subjected to. The...

Hungary: Prime minister Viktor Orban wages campaign against critical journalists

As Hungary prepares for parliamentary elections, independent journalists have become a target of the pro-government media outlets. by Zoltan Sipos This follows a speech by Hungarian prime...

Serbia: disinformation as political strategy

Media lynching for those who do not toe the government line, judicial authorities that do not protect citizens, independent journalists accused of conspiracy. This...

Jeopardising the effectiveness of journalism in South East Europe: the role of extra-legal policy mechanisms

A range of extra-legal policy mechanisms are used by those in power to prevent journalists from fulfilling their watchdog role in society. Examples from...

Serbian Tabloid’s Call for ‘Mercenary’ Arrests Criticised

Human rights advocates have condemned a Serbian tabloid for calling for the arrest of so-called 'foreign mercenaries', calling it part of an ongoing campaign...

Media Campaign Against Govt. Critics Restarts in Serbia

Media outlets close to the Serbian government have started another round of attacks on civic movements and independent journalists, the latter say.  by Milivoje Pantovic, BIRN,...

Serbia’s independent media faces ongoing smear campaigns

Pattern of abuse decreases ahead of elections, but does not disappear. By IPI Contributor Katy Witkowski, Apr 22, 2016 On March 16, journalists of the Crime and...
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