Tags Investigative journalism

Tag: investigative journalism

IFEX Launches International Day to End Impunity Today

23 November 2011, Toronto - Today, 23 November, is the International Day to End Impunity (IDEI). The IFEX community has chosen this day to...

Drago Hedl Wins the Busek Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe

Vienna, 24 October 2011-Croatian journalist Dragutin-Drago Hedl is the winner of the 2011 Dr. Erhard Busek - SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South...

Mijatovic Calls on OSCE States to Ensure Safety of Journalists

Istanbul, 3 May 2011 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, marked World Press Freedom Day today by urging all...

IV South East Europe Media Forum

The WAZ Media Group, Konrad-Adenauer-Foundation (KAS) and the South and East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), in cooperation with the Central European Initiative (CEI) and...

SEENPM General Assembly Discusses Network Strategy in Maastricht

Maastricht, 6 June 2010 - The South East European Network for Professionalization of Media and its member organizations played a unique catalyst role in...

Investigative Reporters from East and South East Europe met in Budapest

November 12, 2007, Budapest - Two regional groups, Scoop and BIRN hosted a conference for investigative reporters from East and South East Europe in...
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Call for Applicants: Funded participation in two learning and knowledge-sharing events for journalists and media workers

Tactical Tech is providing travel and subsistence support of maximum 1000 Eur/person to Europe based journalists and other media professionals interested in...

European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy coming to Zagreb

The second edition of the Voices - European Festival of Journalism and Media Literacy will take place in Zagreb on 27 February...

Training Program for Journalists and Editors on Youth-Driven Community Journalism

The Youth Community Journalism Initiative (YoCoJoin) is launching its immersion training workshops on youth-driven community journalism. This 3-day program is created to...

Our Media: Local Initiatives for Active Citizenship

SEENPM member organizations gathered around the regional project Our Media have selected the best local initiatives within a public call intended for...